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24K Leptoseris
  • 24K Leptoseris
  • 24K Leptoseris

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    25.00 JD

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    24K Leptoseris

    Leptoseris are commonly known as a wrinkle coral but almost no one in the hobby refers to this coral by its common name. Leptoseris were made popular a few years ago when bright orange color morphs came onto the scene and blew everyone away with their intense fluorescence. They are one of the most dazzling corals under actinic lighting because in addition to their bright coloration, they almost take on a metallic appearance

    Leptoseris do very well in shady areas of the reef. They are commonly found under overhangs and lower reef slopes, so we recommend low lighting. Having said that, Leptoseris are highly adaptable to different lighting systems but do change colors to compensate. They do fluoresce nicely under actinic, in particular LED so as a matter of personal preference we keep them under blue lighting.

    We recommend keeping the coral in a low to medium flow area of the reef aquarium. Excessive flow could cause this particular species to become stressed and not extend fully. Lower flow also provides more opportunities for feeding.


    Product Information

    UPCFrag3256Product TypeLive Corals
    Care LevelEasyAggressivenessModerate
    Number of reviews0
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