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EHEIM Ice preventer THERMO200
  • EHEIM Ice preventer THERMO200
  • EHEIM Ice preventer THERMO200
  • EHEIM Ice preventer THERMO200
  • EHEIM Ice preventer THERMO200

    Views (639)

    110.00 JD

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    Unbreakable stainless steel heater - prevents the pond surface freezing over up to -20°C.

    The surface of the garden pond should never completely freeze over as toxic gases then become trapped under the ice. The EHEIM ice preventer prevents the pond surface freezing over (up to -20°C (-4˚F)) enabling the toxic gases to escape and the vital gas exchange to take place at the pond surface. This allows the biological self-cleaning and detoxification of the pond water to remain unchanged and fish and microorganisms are still supplied with oxygen.

    Unbreakable stainless steel heater - prevents the pond surface freezing over up to -20°C.

    • Maintains a vital gas exchange at the pond surface
    • Continuous supply of vital oxygen for fish and microorganisms
    • Biological self-cleaning and detoxification of the pond water remains unchanged
    • Toxic fermentation gases can escape
    • Unbreakable, robust heater made of stainless steel
    • Prevents complete freezing of the pond surface
    • Keeps ice-free up to -20 °C (-4˚F)
    • 3 years guarantee

    Product Information

    UPC4011708007129Product TypeAquarium Supplies
    Shipping Weight - KG4.0
    Number of reviews0
    0 Reviews
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