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Modern Reef - AmmoMix 100ml
  • Modern Reef - AmmoMix 100ml
  • Modern Reef - AmmoMix 100ml

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    15.00 JD

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    Used to start the fishless cycling and the biological filtration in new aquariums with dry rocks

    AmmoMix is a unique Ammonium Chloride mixture used to start the fishless cycling and the biological filtration in new aquariums with dry rocks.

    How to use:
    Add 1 drop per 1 liter, then apply Modern Reef Nitri-Bac to add the nitrifying bacteria. Repeat after 3 days 3 times or till you reach a reading of 2 ppm NH3 (Ammonium). Do not exceed 2 ppm of Ammonium NH3! You can keep adding Modern Reef Nitri-Bac till nitrite (NO2) starts to build. If pH drops below 7 during the cycling process, perform a 25% water change taking the water from the top of the water column. The process may take between 2 and 4 weeks. Once Ammonium (NH3) and nitrite (NO2) are undetectable, the cycling process is complete, and you can add fish.

    Product Information

    UPC22140Product TypeAquarium Supplies
    BrandModern ReefPower
    Shipping Weight - KG0.2Size100ml
    Number of reviews0
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