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ORA Red Planet Acropora (2 - 3 cm)
  • ORA Red Planet Acropora (2 - 3 cm)
  • ORA Red Planet Acropora (2 - 3 cm)
  • ORA Red Planet Acropora (2 - 3 cm)
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    ORA Red Planet Acropora (2 - 3 cm)

    Views (3543)


    20.00 JD

    In stock

    The ORA Red Planet is one of our most popular corals.  It is a tabling Acropora with red and pink corallites and a metallic green base. Polyp coloration on this coral is a deep red and the new growth is light pink to white. Under intense lighting the coral may lose the attractive green coloration, it will return if the coral is moved to a lower light area.

    ORA Red Planet

    The ORA Red Planet is one of our most popular corals.  It is a tabling Acropora with red and pink corallites and a metallic green base. Polyp coloration on this coral is a deep red and the new growth is light pink to white. Under intense lighting the coral may lose the attractive green coloration, it will return if the coral is moved to a lower light area.




    Placement: Mount your new coral using gel glue, putty, or a combination of both. Place the coral on a rock or ledge in a location that receives direct lighting and ample flow.


    Feeding: Like most coral, Acropora rely to a large extent on the products of their zooxanthellae, however, in our experience, they also benefit from direct feeding. We like to feed a mixture of meaty rotifer-based foods with vitamin additives and highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA). The size of the food must be small enough that the polyp can fully ingest it. 

    Product Information

    UPCFrag00123Product TypeLive Corals
    Care LevelDifficultAggressivenessPeaceful
    Number of reviews1
    1 Review
    1 Review
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    1. Nice
        Wesam Azmy 
      Feb. 5, 2025
      Nice and healthy frags
      This review has no votes.