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Royal Flasher Wrasse
  • Royal Flasher Wrasse
  • Royal Flasher Wrasse
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    Royal Flasher Wrasse

    Views (2882)


    20.00 JD


    (Paracheilinus angulatus)

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    The Royal Flasher Wrasse, also known as the Angular Flasher Wrasse, is a vibrantly-colored species of flasher wrasse originating from the Philippines and Northern Indonesia. Typically found near sheltered reefs rich with corals and algae, the Royal Flasher Wrasse occurs in small groups comprised mostly of females. As its alternate common name "Angular Flasher Wrasse" suggests, the Royal Flasher Wrasse is easily distinguished by its elongated and sharply angular dorsal and anal fins. The male Royal Flasher Wrasse also lacks dorsal filaments typical of many other species of flasher wrasse.

    The Royal Flasher Wrasse demonstrates sexual dichromatism, meaning the coloration of the female will be notably different and subdued in comparison to the brilliant coloration of the male Royal Flasher Wrasse. When courting females, the male Royal Flasher Wrasse will display its brilliantly colored fins in an attempt to persuade its potential mate. Interestingly, the coloration of the Royal Flasher Wrasse can vary significantly depending on the fish's mood.

    The Royal Flasher Wrasse is a very peaceful and active fish that will bring both color and movement to a fish-only or reef aquarium. A well-filtered established marine aquarium, 55 gallons in size or larger that is generously aquascaped with rockwork provides an excellent home. The Royal Flasher Wrasse will not bother any corals or invertebrates making it the perfect fish for the reef aquarium. Typically, a single male Royal Flasher Wrasse can be kept with a group of females that is introduced prior to or at the same time as the male. Similar to other flasher wrasses, the Royal Flasher Wrasse likes to jump, so a tight fitting canopy is essential.

    The diet of the Royal Flasher Wrasse should include vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods along with a high quality marine flake and marine pellet food.

    Care Level:Easy
    Reef Compatible:Yes
    Water Condition:ssg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
    Max. Size:4"
    Minimum Tank Size:90 gallons

    Product Information

    UPCFish50Product TypeMarin Fish
    Care LevelEasyReef CompatibleReef Safe
    Number of reviews0
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