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Sanjay Milka Stylophora (3-4 cm)
  • Sanjay Milka Stylophora (3-4 cm)
  • Sanjay Milka Stylophora (3-4 cm)
  • Sanjay Milka Stylophora (3-4 cm)
  • Sanjay Milka Stylophora (3-4 cm)

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    20.00 JD

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    This milka classic dates back to early days of Sanjay and Joe’s travels to Europe. Milkas have bright lavender polyp tentacles with distinctive white growth tips. SanJoe’s variety boasts unique green highlights.

    Sanjay Milka Stylophora

    This milka classic dates back to early days of Sanjay and Joe’s travels to Europe. Milkas have bright lavender polyp tentacles with distinctive white growth tips. SanJoe’s variety boasts unique green highlights.


    In general, corals coming from the genus Stylophora usually has a branching type of coral growth. Depending on the species, their finger-like branches are highly variable when it comes to length and width. Their colony usually forms a dome with a depression at the middle which looks similar to a bird's nest.

    For the Sanjay Milka Stylo, they are predominatly colored brown with violet tentacles. This are the water parameters for cultivating Sanjay Milka Stylo:

    • Calcium: 400 - 450 ppm
    • Alkalinity: 3.2 - 4.8 MEQ/L (8 - 11 dKh)
    • Phosphates: 0
    • Magnesium: 1200 - 1350
    • Strontium: 10
    • Temperature: 74° - 83° F (23° - 28° C)
    • Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.023 - 1.025

    Product Information

    UPCFrag00121Product TypeLive Corals
    Care LevelModerateAggressivenessPeaceful
    Number of reviews0
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