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Striped Shrimpfish EXPERT ONLY
  • Striped Shrimpfish EXPERT ONLY
  • Striped Shrimpfish EXPERT ONLY

    Views (1245)

    15.00 JD


    (Aeoliscus strigatus)

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    he Striped Shrimpfish occurs within the reefs of the Indo-Pacific where they form large congregations among whip corals, seagrasses, Acroporas or within long spine urchins. They have an elongated body that is dark in color as a juvenile. When mature, their body lightens to a silver color, and they develop a dark longitudinal line spanning the entire length of the fish. These are very interesting fish that swim in a vertical position.

    These Shrimpfish are difficult to keep in an aquarium, unless maintained in a mature system with plenty of live rock, macro and micro algae and are only kept with like species, such as pipefish and seahorses. It will not harm ornamental invertebrates in a reef setting. It requires plenty of hiding places such as caves or overhangs. The Striped Shrimpfish reacts poorly when harassed by other more aggressive fish such as blennies, wrasses, gobies, triggerfish, and porcupinefish.

    When first introduced into the aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp should be used to entice this fish to eat. The diet should consist of small live invertebrates such as vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, baby guppies, grass shrimp, mosquito larva, and daphnia. It needs to be fed at least three times per day.

    Product Information

    UPCFish298Product TypeMarin Fish
    Care LevelExpert OnlyDietCarnivore
    Reef CompatibleReef SafeTemperamentPeaceful
    Number of reviews0
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