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Whitecheek Tang - Large
  • Whitecheek Tang - Large
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    Whitecheek Tang - Large

    Views (2248)


    40.00 JD


    (Acanthurus nigricans) 

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    The Whitecheek Tang, also known as the Gold-rimmed Surgeonfish or Whitecheek Surgeonfish, has a black to purplish-blue body with a small white mark on the cheek between the mouth and eyes. The pectoral, anal, and dorsal fins are dark blue with blue highlights at the tip. The tail is blue with a yellow vertical bar. A yellow striping runs along the body, against the anal and dorsal fins, forming a distinctive wishbone-shaped marking.

    A 125 gallon or larger aquarium is adequate to provide plenty of swimming room. It is aggressive towards other Tangs, but peaceful with other fish in the tank.

    Although Tangs will eat meaty foods along with the other fish in the aquarium, it is important that they are offered plenty of marine based seaweed and algae. This will strengthen their immune system, reduce aggression and improve their overall health. Offer dried seaweed tied to a rock or use a veggie clip, and feed at least 3 times per week. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products and are very easy to use.

    Product Information

    UPCFish211Product TypeMarin Fish
    Care LevelModerateDietHerbivore
    Reef CompatibleReef SafeTemperamentSemi-aggressive
    Number of reviews0
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