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Yellow Candy Hogfish - Medium
  • Yellow Candy Hogfish - Medium
  • Yellow Candy Hogfish - Medium

    Views (1936)

    20.00 JD


    Bodianus bimaculatus

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    The Yellow Candy Hogfish is also referred to as the Twospot Slender Hogfish, or Yellow Hogfish. It is a bright yellow in color with faint red horizontal stripes along with a black spot behind the eye and close to the tail.

    A 30 gallon or larger aquarium with hiding places should be provided. It is a very peaceful fish that adjusts quickly to most aquariums. If more than one Candy Hogfish is going to be added to the tank, it is very important to do this simultaneously as they will be slightly territorial among themselves. When full grown, mature the Candy Hogfish may take a liking to smaller ornamental shrimp that are introduced after the hogfish is established in the reef aquarium.

    The diet consisting of meaty foods including vitamin enriched brine shrimp or mysis shrimp is preferred, as well as a high quality marine flake food.

    Product Information

    UPCFish161Product TypeMarin Fish
    Care LevelModerateDietCarnivore
    Reef CompatibleReef SafeTemperamentPeaceful
    Number of reviews0
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