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Nylon 200 micron filter sock, 4*14 inch (large)
  • Nylon 200 micron filter sock, 4*14 inch (large)
  • Nylon 200 micron filter sock, 4*14 inch (large)

    Views (2536)

    8.00 JD

    In stock

    Filter socks are the most effective and convenient form of mechanical filtration. They remove surplus food, waste, organic waste, dust and other particles. Removing these particles from the water column will reduce the amount of organic material that produces ammonia and other unwanted substances in the aquarium. Filter socks to prevent larger objects, such as sand, crabs, slag, etc., from damaging the pump motors. Normal filter sock use wants lower organic levels and results in CRYSTAL BRIGHT WATER!

    Product Information

    UPCsock2Product TypeAquarium Supplies
    Number of reviews1
    1 Review
    1 Review
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    1. Easy to use & clean
        Maher Bashayreh 
      Sept. 21, 2021
      Amazingly easy to clean very useful and collects well
      This review has no votes.

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